ISPOR 13th Annual European Congress

Prague, Czech Republic 6-9 November 2010


Poster Presentation: E. Walter, L. Lennartz, W. Hofmann, S. Herget-Rosenthal
Health economic aspects of using serum cystatin C for early detection of chronic kidney disease in type 2 diabetics in Germany (Poster Award)

Poster Presentation: C. Brennig, E. Walter, V. Schöllbauer
Economic Evaluation of Natlizumab in the treatment of relapsing remitting Multiple Sclerosis in 4 European countries

Poster Presentation: E. Walter, C. Brennig, V. Schöllbauer, W. Mair, F. Deisenhammer
Socio-economic Aspects of Testing for Neutralising Antibodies in MS Patients on Interferon beta Treatment in Austria: A Cost of Illness Study

Poster Presentation: E. Walter, E. Ribnicsek, L. Kutikova
Economic Evaluation of DARBEPOETIN ALFA (ARANESP©) Compared to EPOETIN ALFA (ERYPO©) and EPOETIN BETA (NEORECORMON©) in the Treatment of Chemotherapy-induced Anemia (CIA) in Austria
