Poster Presentation: M. Traunfellner, F. Meyer, E. Walter
A Public Health and Budget IMPACT Analysis (BIA) of COVID-19 Vaccination in Austria.
Poster Presentation: E. Walter, C. Helmenstein, M. Gleitsmann, H. Schitnig
Cost-effectiveness of the helicopter emergency medical services for patients with myocardial infarction in Austria.
Poster Presentation: E. Walter, C. Helmenstein, M. Gleitsmann, H. Schitnig
Cost-effectivesness of the helicopter emergency medical services for stroke patients in Austria.
Poster Presentation: G. Eichhober, M. Voit, F. Meyer, E. Walter
Eine Budget Impact Analyse (BIM) des Einsatzes von Dyna-Form Mercury Advance SMARTcare® zur Dekubitus-Prävention im stationären Setting in Österreich.
Poster Presentation: E. Walter
Cost-effectiveness of NT-proBNP in patients with cronic heart failure with or without type 2 diabetes mellitus in Austria.